CBD SEO Case Study Based on Keywords That Drive Relevant Traffic
If you’re interested in how to drive highly qualified, top of the funnel, traffic to your CBD, or cannabis e-commerce website, you already know how competitive it is to maintain a successful CBD SEO strategy.
This CBD SEO case study will provide you with data that shows how a brand new CBD website, with low domain authority, and little traffic, can outrank high-profile CBD competitors like Medterra and CBDFfx among others.
Our client example for this CBD SEO case study has been with us for over 12-months and we’ve been working on their SEO strategy since January of 2020.
After we designed and developed the client’s website, we implemented an initial SEO and keyword strategy designed to build the site’s authority, relevance, and trust in the competitive CBD e-commerce niche.
Our CBD SEO strategies also include regular SEO and CBD keyword updates, organic competitor analysis, keyword research, and publishing 4 x 1,200-1,500 word SEO optimized blog articles each month.
Within 3-6 months, we were already outranking the client’s key organic competitors on highly relevant, long-tail, top of the funnel, and targeted CBD keywords such as:
- can cbd edibles cause headaches
- hemp seed oil for sleep
- can cbd edibles cause nausea
Read on to learn how we implemented a CBD specific SEO, keyword, and blog content marketing strategy that is designed to outrank our client’s competition and drive targeted traffic to their website.

A Few Definitions So We’re On The Same Page
Before we get started, let’s define a few metrics and “scores” that we discuss below so you’ll have context and understanding of the numbers/data.
1. Domain Authority (DA) For Cannabis & CBD Websites & SEO

Domain Authority (DA) is a search engine ranking score that predicts how well a CBD website will rank in search engines.
A Domain Authority score ranges from one to 100, with higher scores corresponding to a greater ability to rank.
The domain authority of a cannabis website also describes its relevance for a specific subject area or industry.
This relevance has a direct impact on its ranking by search engines that try to assess a cannabis or CBD website’s domain authority through automated analytic algorithms.

2. Online Visibility or SEO Visibility For Cannabis & CBD Websites
Online visibility, or SEO Visibility for marijuana or CBD websites, is a metric compiled from several relevant search factors that are used to calculate how visible a website is in a search engine’s organic results.
This score is an estimate of a cannabis website’s trend of visibility for the set of target keywords currently being tracked in a campaign.
As the CBD website’s pages rise further to the top of Google’s results, the Visibility % increases as well.

Just in case you didn’t know, SEO stands for search engine optimization.
Search engine optimization is the process of growing the quality and quantity of website traffic by increasing the visibility of a website in search engines.
SEO refers to the improvement of unpaid/organic search results and excludes direct traffic and paid advertising.

The Case Study: A Customized CBD SEO Strategy To Rank on Page-1
GreatCBDShop.com | January 8 – July 30, 2020
This CBD & marijuana SEO case study focuses on our client GreatCBDShop.com, based in the USA, their brand new CBD and THC e-commerce website that we designed, and developed, as well as the SEO, keyword, and content strategy that we’ve continued to implement on their website since January 2020.
As of that time, this client had a brand new CBD website, that also sold cannabis/THC products.
The site was equipped with customized CBD keyword & CBD SEO strategies including a blog content marketing strategy with regular SEO updates, and 4 x 1,200-1,500 word SEO optimized blog articles.
Sounds great right?
But in reality, the client’s domain authority score was zero, zilch, nada, nothing. Like literally “0” out of 100. So there was a ton of work to do.
Continue reading below to see what we did and how we did it!

The Current SEO & Keyword Strategy – High-Level Points
We have 78 CBD and Delta-8 THC targeted keywords in our SEO campaign for this client. Forty of these keywords are our focus keyword phrases.
These focus cannabis and CBD keywords are made up of phrases that our client shares with their top 5 competitors in organic search. Meaning, all 6 CBD companies are targeting the same keywords.
We strategically optimized the entire CBD website, code, images, and metadata ensuring that each page and each image had one primary keyword, one secondary keyword, as well as 5-10 relevant, semantically related, long-tail phrases.
Our cannabis & CBD keyword strategy also include relevant keywords that are unique to our client only.
We typically include popular but less competitive keywords that are more relevant to our client’s business than their competitor’s business.

Results From Our CBD & Marijuana SEO Strategy
The data below, from SEMrush, is based on our client’s online visibility, cannabis/CBD keyword rankings, and estimated organic traffic for all of their 78 target keywords.

Online Visibility Score: 0.69%
While this visibility score may seem low, note the chart showing how we were able to take this site with a zero domain authority and zero pages ranking for any relevant or targeted keywords, to ranking on page 1, and outranking their competitors for 3 targeted keywords in less than 4 months.
Here are the top 5 keyword rankings as of July 30, 2020 (from Jan 8-July 30, 2020) for this client and the following competitors: cbdfx.com, cbdamericanshaman.com, cbdmd.com, and medterracbd.com.

Things To Note on The Data Above
- To understand the context of this data, it’s important to note that all 4 competitors have much higher Domain Authority than our client and have had websites live, and indexed on Google longer than our client.
- Our client ranks at #2 for “can cbd edibles cause headaches”, #5 for ‘hemp seed oil for sleep”, and #7 for “can cbd edibles cause nausea”.
- These three keywords are each page 1 rankings that outrank all of their competitors!
While we may not be outranking the competitors in online visibility, yet, we’re still very competitive with established players and are ranking on relevant keywords that target the top of the funnel.
More importantly, we’re only 6-months inwith these CBD SEO strategies and the client is already seeing regular online sales from “free” traffic from organic search.

Estimated Traffic Score: 0.21
This chart shows the estimated traffic from organic search based on the client’s target keywords.
You can see how they’ve been steadily increasing in traffic from organic search since January 2020.
You’ll note a decrease on the far right side of the graph. There’s a good reason for that.
This time period was March-April 2020 when the world was deep into the Covid-19 pandemic.
This global event affected organic search traffic for our client as well as pretty much every other business in the world.

Average Position: 95.4
This chart shows the average position where our client ranks in organic search for their targeted keywords.
You can see a strong increase from the time we started and throughout the campaign so far.
If 95.4 sounds bad as a position, it is. But, remember that this is an average of 78 keywords, where 40 are focus keywords, and we’re ranking on page 1 for 3 keywords so far.
For context, please compare these numbers to how your website is doing for your target keywords.

We Can Help You Implement Competitive CBD SEO Strategies on Your Website!
If you’d like to see similar or better results for your CBD website, we can help you craft customized CBD SEO strategies using popular and profitable keywords specifically for your business and target demos.
We’d need to review your website and have a better understanding of your short and long-term goals, as SEO is a long-term process that does take 6-12 months to see results/ROI.
We do offer other strategies focused on the short-term including Google Search Ads and Programmatic Display Ads management.
Please call us for a free 30-minute consult or email us to schedule a call.
We’re Ready To Help You Grow!