5 Tips For Cannabis Content Writing That Will Increase Website Conversions

2 cannabis business people working in a modern office. Cannabis content writing services. Cannabis content strategy. Cannabis content marketing agency.

Table of Contents

Looking for an experienced cannabis content writing service or freelance CBD copywriter? We can help you! Before we do, here are 5 actionable cannabis content writing tips that will increase website conversions.

How To Craft a Data-Driven Cannabis Content Writing Strategy That Drives Sales

You need a strong online reputation for your cannabis brand if you’re planning on selling your CBD products from your website or marijuana dispensary.

But, did you know that it’s pretty much impossible to increase your online visibility and build your reputation without authoritative cannabis content writing combined with a blog content marketing strategy.

You may think that content marketing is not relevant to your B2C cannabis business but I think that’d be an unwise assumption. Believe it or not, 86% of B2C marketers believe content marketing is integral to their operations.

But that doesn’t mean that they have an effective cannabis content writing strategy in place for their content marketing to be successful. For example:

  • Only 5% of marketers rate their overall content marketing approach as extremely successful.
  • 23% consider it very successful.
  • 50% believe it to be moderately successful.

Now, this does not mean that strong cannabis content writing for your website, your blog, or as part of your cannabis content marketing strategy isn’t effective. This just means that only a small fraction of the total content marketing efforts result in conversions.

So how do you produce the type of cannabis content to make your marketing profitable? As a data-driven cannabis marketer, I highly recommend using fresh, reliable, and actionable data.

The beauty of online marketing for cannabis companies is that between the SEO optimized content written for your website, along with the content you publish regularly on your website’s blog, you have a literal treasure trove of actionable consumer data.

A data-driven cannabis content marketing strategy is as effective as it is efficient because it actually saves you time, money, and effort by delivering the right cannabis content, to the right audience, at the right time, and on the right device.

Below we’ll discuss 5 ways how we use optimized cannabis content writing to create a data-driven content marketing strategy to increase your conversions and grow your business.

Tips for cannabis content writing #1: Know your audience. Cannabis content writing services. Cannabis content marketing agency. cannabis industry writer.

1. Get To Know Your Target Audiences

Before you we can get started with our cannabis content writing, we’d need to understand as much as possible about the different type of people we’re trying to reach, in order to craft a data-driven cannabis content marketing plan.

By understanding things like your target’s purchasing habits, cannabis consumption habits, and their purchase frequency, our cannabis content writers are armed with the appropriate data to research and write an article talking to a specific cannabis customer cohort.

To get this information, we need to collect different data sets and use careful and detailed analysis of the data collected.

We use tools like Google Analytics, SEMrush, Moz, or Kissmetrics to gather and analyze the following customer demographics:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Location
  • Job title
  • Income
  • Monthly spending pattern
  • The kind of information they like
  • Their pain points
  • Their emotional triggers

By collecting this data and performing some data analysis, we’ll be able to use this customer data to help build data-driven buyer personas for each targeted cohort.

It doesn’t stop there though!

This data is so super useful that it also helps us form the foundation of your cannabis content writing strategy because we’re able to understand the type of content your audience likes and shares, the communication channels they prefer as well as their buying habits and cycles.

Cannabis content writing tips #2:  Dive deep into website analytics. Cannabis content writing agency. cannabis writers canada. b2b cannabis writer.

2. Take a Deep Dive Into Cannabis Data Analysis

Ok, so here’s where it does get a little technical. It’s one thing to have Google Analytics on your website, and its another thing to be able to gather the right data for your cannabis content writer.

It’s a whole nother thing to be able to analyze that data and find actionable insights to improve your website or in-store sales.

You may need to outsource this part to an experienced Google Analytics certified SEO professional who understands how to analyze website data.

In this next step, we need to get deep into gathering and analyzing data related to your website, your existing content, the keyword strategy on your site, and a look at your competitors strategy.

Our cannabis marketing agency offers a service we call an SEO Audit & User Experience (UX) Analysis where we conduct a comprehensive marketing and SEO audit of your website. We cover a website analysis, a content analysis, and a keyword analysis.

We use this data to identify the most important improvements that we can make to increase the profitablility of your website.

+ Website Analysis

Here’s where we get into a detailed SEO audit of your website. This can be looked at similarly as what we humans go through at a yearly medical physical.

We get to look “under the hood” of your website for errors and omissions in your website, code, metadata, on page copy, and images/media that would potentially make your site “unfriendly” for search engines and negatively affect your rankings or search positions.

We take a look at things like your website pages and your blogs to see what content types and topics are most popular to your different target audiences.

This helps us understand which topics are related to increasing your sales and which topics do not affect sales. We’re able to then prioritize and focus on writing the right type of cannabis content for your website and blog.

For example, your older target demographic (55+) may be more interested in the health benefits of CBD oil or how THC can help with sleep and pain management.

Whereas your younger target demographic may be more interested in how CBD oil help with anxiety and post work out muscle relaxation treatments.

All of this information fuels our data-driven approach to cannabis content writing and cannabis content marketing strategy.

+ Content Analysis

Profitable cannabis content writing requires an understanding of trending topics and trending content types around the cannabis and CBD products you sell.

In our cannabis content analysis, we take a deep look at where your target market hang’s out online. This could be the websites they visit, the social media platforms they use, as well as any online forums or message boards like Reddit.

Using Google, social media, and Reddit are great tools for us to build a solid list of trending topics for your cannabis content writing plan.

We analyze the most popular content the we can find online that is the most relevant to your cannabis brand and put together a list of topics for a cannabis content writing session.

This analysis ensures your cannabis content marketing is focused on the type of cannabis content that resonates with your target audiences, which will increase engagement and traffic on your website.

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+ Keyword Analysis

Keyword research and analysis provides us with data about the most popular keywords your potential customers are using to search for answers to their questions about cannabis consumption.

Our team would compile a list of trending keywords into a list of relevant trending topics to be used in your cannabis content writing strategy.

For example, you can use an amazing free trending topics tool like BuzzSumo which shows you all the trending topics for your focus keywords.

You’re also able to gain insightful data on associated long-tail keywords and info on how similar content is performing across the internet.

+ Competitor Analysis

We can learn a lot about your customers and your competitors by analyzing their website and social media profiles to understand their cannabis content writing strategy.

The idea is to collect data on your competitors most popular cannabis topics and content types, as well as the level of engagement for each.

You can use the data you collect to make your content strategy more effective and your cannabis content writing more authoritative and relevant.

How to create the right type of content for your cannabis content writing strategy. Cannabis marketing agency. cbd copywriter. cbd content writer in Canada and USA.

3. Creating The Right Cannabis Content

At this point, with all the data you’ve been able to collect on your audience and your competitors, you should be able to choose the right type of cannabis content to publish on your website.

If the data showed that your potential customers like infographics, you should probably include them in your content marketing strategy. You can also repurpose your existing cannabis writing and blog content into a useful infographic

Or, if your data show that your target audience is more into informative blog articles to learn more about cannabis, you’ll want to step up your cannabis content writing game and begin publishing regular SEO optimized blog articles.

Use the data collected form your keyword analysis (above) and turn this into a targeted blog topic list for your cannabis content writing team.

When writing your trending cannabis content, make sure you focus on being useful and informative to the target customer. Also, remember the following SEO optimization tips:

  • Use a unique title and headline for each piece of content – infographic or blog
  • Cover the topic in as much detail as possible – make it as useful as you can for the reader
  • Provide value to potential customers
  • Consistently maintain the right tone of voice

An actionable example of the above tips include if you’re writing about something like “The Health Benefits of CBD Oil”, stick to talking about CBD oil and not other CBD products. You can write about other CBD products in their own unique blog article.

Additional cannabis blog content writing tips include supporting all your statements with data/liks, and to keep a conversational tone throughout your article.

How to setup and optimize your content delivery network for your cannabis content. cannabis industry writer. cannabis writers canada.

4. Setting Up A Delivery Network For Your Cannabis Content

Your cannabis content delivery process is just as important as cannabis content production. The right content can generate a better impact if it’s delivered at the right time and on the right platform. Timing matters.

You’ll want to use the data you collected detailing when, where, and how long your target cannabis customers stay online.

For example, according to this research, Facebook and Twitter have a high engagement rate at 9 a.m., while for Instagram it is 5 p.m. The ideal time for posting on LinkedIn, on the other hand, is between 10 a.m. and noon.

This timing doesn’t necessarily work for every business niche or for your cannabis target audiences. The point is to test your content delivery times to see which times provide the highest engagement for your cannabis content.

Cannabis content writing final tip - monitor and track your campaign performance. Cannabis content marketing company.

5. Monitoring Performance of Your Cannabis Content

If you’re not tracking and measuring the success of your cannabis content writing, did it really even get written and published?

In order to determine if your cannabis content writing is working effective, you need to measure your content performance regularly.

With the cannabis market and consumer choices constantly evolving, we suggest keeping an eye on the following:

  • Monitor user behaviour to see if there is any change in the time spent on your site when potential customers are consuming the content, the bounce rate, and the number of new and repeat visitors to your site.
  • Check the change in the level of engagement (e.g., how many shares, likes, social mentions your content is getting). A negative change (decrease) usually means you need to revise your strategy.
  • Use analytics tools to calculate the ROI and cost per acquisition. If your ROI is positive, your strategy is working. So, keep at it.
Cannabis content writers. Cannabis content writing services. cannabis industry writer. Content marketing agency for cannabis companies.

We Can Help You With Your Cannabis Content Writing

When it comes to cannabis and CBD marketing, a strategic and data-driven cannabis content writing plan is essential to increase website sales and grow your business.

Granted, it is a ton of work and some cannabis content writing experience is always an asset.

As a cannabis marketing agency, we have a cannabis content writing team that can help you craft and manage your cannabis content writing strategy.

We use a data-driven approach to our cannabis content that includes an ongoing strategy to:

  • Understanding your target audience
  • Diving deep into data analytics
  • Crafting engaging content
  • Setting up and optimizing your content delivery network
  • Monitoring content performance regularly

If you’re ready to develop a cannabis content writing strategy for your brand, please contact us for a free consultation or to request a quote.

We’re Ready To Help You Grow!

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